View Full Version : CQuartz UK application gone wrong

07-11-2014, 02:54 PM
Hello everyone, I started detailing my car yesterday, I applied Cquartz UK then wiped it all off (so I thought) then applied another coat and wiped off. Now I see today that I missed some and I can't get it to come off... HELP!

07-11-2014, 05:49 PM
Unfortunately, once the high spots cured, the only way I could remove mine was by abrading. Corey recommended I use yellow foam applicator with some Reflect and LIGHTLY go over the high spot. It did work but I can notice a difference. Another way I plan on trying is with foam applicator detailing stick and Reflect. I can remove the high spot in more detail with the foam stick, at least that's the hope...

07-11-2014, 08:31 PM
James is right on about the foam applicator for removing a few high spots.

Ample ambient lighting is very important when coating.

Very light polish no pressure should even it (assuming the first layer was even) if you need to polish too much then good to eraser wipe and add another coat.