View Full Version : REVIEW: CarPro CQuartz Leather and Vinyl

03-13-2015, 06:38 PM
I know you guys have been waiting to get a little more field report on the CQuartz Leather. I'm happy to oblige and provide you a review of the product and my experience so far.

Here is a link to the product: CLICK THIS LINK!! (http://www.carpro-us.com/carpro-professional-detailers/cquartz-leather-vinyl-30ml/)

https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/11038122_862261810502861_1111926603157365902_n.jpg ?oh=dd9f4ee68d58d249ece10772bf7f3448&oe=55756D97&__gda__=1434629629_20f96ef7155e89d2715e9cb31a45bd9 1

The subject was a brand new 2015 Ford F150 Platinum Edition. The owner is a good customer of mine who just recently traded her prior vehicle for this gem. The truck came to us for a full CQuartz packaged which included Finest for the paint and rims, DLux for the hard plastic and trim, Forte for the glass, and Leather on the leather

The process associated with applying CQuartz Leather is an EASY 1, 2, 3

#1 CLEAN the leather
#2 NEUTRALIZE the cleaner
#3 PROTECT the leather

Cleaning of this leather was straight forward. We use a dedicated leather cleaner from Leatherique which is very mild on the leather and pH neutral. It was discovered (even on this black leather) that she had some jeans dye transfer so we followed our initial cleaning with Leather Master's Dye Transfer Cleaner. Great care was taken not to remove the dark pigment of the seat. As per instructions, we then neutralized the cleaner using a repeated wipedown with a damp cloth, and prepared for the protection.
*** Don't forget to put appropriate (and clean) protective gloves through every steps to prevent cross-contaminating the surface with your body oils, and to limit your skin exposure to the cleaners.

As per instructions we loaded the applicator with approximately 10 drops of the product (making sure to spread through the entire length of the suede MF towel to provide a wide application pattern)

https://scontent-dfw.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/11033894_862261870502855_3751282355423879917_n.jpg ?oh=09dd81e37187ec4f462698997f4e1439&oe=5572EC55

Following the application, we let the product sit for a minute and used provided larger suede MF towel to level the product. Because this is a daily driver we opted to repeat 3 coats to mitigate "exposure" and to assure 100% coverage. This product, very similarly to FlyByForte, is hard to judge if you have had maximum coverage so multiple layers sold this issue. Not only that, it also increases it scratch, UV and chemical resistant properties.


https://scontent-dfw.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/1974986_862261927169516_7164486142709414941_n.jpg? oh=de6310e61a765ce026763e1016baa06b&oe=5581258F

https://scontent-dfw.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/11038124_862261970502845_3504272099337713743_n.jpg ?oh=a7f017619e53f97302ed1a866e574a64&oe=557ECA85

https://fbcdn-sphotos-d-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/18504_862261960502846_9145466341929837872_n.jpg?oh =fd11582fa59846f31bd771d163369e8f&oe=557B24EF&__gda__=1435130116_72b5f4fbe0dca7c7850e9ba87a737c5 f

The seats were supple, had a little satin glow and to the untrained eye they looked BRAND NEW! (which they were). So what this means is that nobody could tell that "something" was applied. It did not have a lingering smell or a greasy feel of traditional conditioners. My biggest complaint with traditional conditioner is that they smelled like a horse's derriere. Overall I was very happy with the product and its performance. The truck is part of my maintenance customers so will be able to update on the long term function and performance. The only thing I think could be better would be to have a way to level the product that would have been easier. The process is easy enough but handling the MF with gloves proved to be rather difficult. Maybe I should devise a larger applicator I could wrap the suede MF around?!?!

Before closing this post, I would like to acknowledge that some of the readers reading this Review may be "old school" insofar as have used, continue using and may be thinking about continuing to use a conditioner. Let me present this argument to you! With modern day coated leathers, are you truly improving or protecting the leather using a conditioner or are you just using old technology on newer material?? What a coated leather truly benefit from (since the pores of the leather are closed and sealed with the manufacturer coating) is from applying a PROTECTION rather than a conditioner (which conditioners do not really offer). Some products on the market have been very successful in providing this type of protection however none can truly compare to the technology or function of CQuartz Leather. It would be GREAT if the manufacturer coating could provide this level of protection however sadly the do not (as we've all seen). If some doubts remain as to benefits of the product, then let me share this "Torture Test" video. Enjoy!!.... and feel free to comment, criticize or ask questions!

P.S. I did use 30ml to cover all seats and center console pad.


03-14-2015, 05:09 AM
Great review! Been using this since day one a very easy up sale for me.

03-14-2015, 11:37 AM
Thanks Claude! I liked the Torture video!


03-14-2015, 12:06 PM
I've used CQuartz Leather and Vinyl a few times.
I just did some seats with light grey inserts.
There was lots of "dirt" in the natural crevices.
Once that was cleaned I did a couple of coats.
Hopefully, it will keep the grey crevices clean.


03-15-2015, 04:09 PM
Great review Claude!! Thank you so much for taking the time!

03-16-2015, 05:41 PM
Wow, this is great review!

I did 3 layers of Cquartz leather for my IS350 2006 tan leather seats and door vinyl so I used up all 30 ml. In my application, I first clean all the seats with Meguairs all purpose cleaner, followed with a damp microfiber and then dry them completely before I apply Cquartz leather coating.

The Cquartz leather flashed/dried super fast (10 seconds or less). I applied and immediately buffed over lightly with the suede microfiber to remove the high spot. Repeat this for all seats. By the time I finish everything, it was about 40 minutes, I went back and did the 2nd coat and then 3rd coat. Do you guys experience super fast flashing/drying like my case??

The finish turned out to be matte looking. It is semi-slick, not as slick as the Ultima Interior Guard Plus. It prevents all dye transfer, repel dust very well (the seats look clean for weeks), and bead water lol. I'm still not sure how it fare in term of UV protection or how long it will last.

CarPro Mexico
03-17-2015, 07:42 AM
Great review! thank you for taking your time to share.

Cant wait to try it out :o

03-18-2015, 04:17 AM
Wow, this is great review!

I did 3 layers of Cquartz leather for my IS350 2006 tan leather seats and door vinyl so I used up all 30 ml. In my application, I first clean all the seats with Meguairs all purpose cleaner, followed with a damp microfiber and then dry them completely before I apply Cquartz leather coating.

The Cquartz leather flashed/dried super fast (10 seconds or less). I applied and immediately buffed over lightly with the suede microfiber to remove the high spot. Repeat this for all seats. By the time I finish everything, it was about 40 minutes, I went back and did the 2nd coat and then 3rd coat. Do you guys experience super fast flashing/drying like my case??

The finish turned out to be matte looking. It is semi-slick, not as slick as the Ultima Interior Guard Plus. It prevents all dye transfer, repel dust very well (the seats look clean for weeks), and bead water lol. I'm still not sure how it fare in term of UV protection or how long it will last.

That's pretty fast! Could be not enough product on applicator?

03-20-2015, 04:48 PM
That's pretty fast! Could be not enough product on applicator?

I put 3 lines on the applicator and used up entire 30 ml for 3 layers in the Lexus IS350.

I don't know why most Cquartz coatings (both UK, leather) flashing/drying way too fast for me. Per our conversation on phone, I had hazing issue with UK and have to re-polish and re-apply on a smaller section at a time now due to crazy fast flashing/drying. I hope the chemist can improve this with LONGER flash/drying time. The temp is 65-70 F and humidity is about 35-55%.

03-21-2015, 12:12 AM
At that temp and humidity it should not be flashing too fast. Something else is almost surely in play here although clearly we haven't figured it out yet. There won't be any reformation of UK as it's perfect but I've been pushing hard for another coat with long flash time for those that need it. Hopefully we can get that done.

04-05-2015, 04:27 PM
I have UK on my wife's SUV...and the application process worked flawlessly...but when I did my Benz it was most finicky. Had to re polish and due to frustration I opted for Optimum Gloss Coat. Will be pulling off my wheels and looking to try UK on the AMG wheels in the next couple of weeks.