View Full Version : Final inspection shows subtle streaking

01-31-2016, 04:52 PM
hey, im still new to the cquartz product and i am doing some trials and pushing the product on my own black truck. after all polishing and eraser steps, i applied cq to one fender on my truck, 30 mins between coats, then one hour for reload. i understand there is a chance for issues when you push a product past recommended application specs, but after the 2nd coat of cq i had trouble removing some streaking and same after reload. i am using the carpro swade mf to wipe clean. also all i am doing to clean the application towels and wipeoff towels is apc/ water then rinse well with water, ring out and dry, is that enough?

01-31-2016, 09:11 PM
I am assuming you are using CQuartz original and NOT CQuartz UK... Either way it's very probable you did not wait long enough between the first and second coat. For CQ original you should wait a minimum of 45 minutes between coats, and a minimum of one hour before applying Reload. Also it may be you are not getting your application/wipe off suedes clean enough. Personally I do not recommend re-using them. However if you do re-use them; I would recommend dropping them into a strong solution of APC and hot water immediately after use, then run them through the washing machine using hot water, and hang to fully dry before re-using.

A few tips for CQ Original...

Typically the wait time before removing the new formula is between 2-7 minutes depending on temperature, humidity, and paint. Generally in warmer temps 2-3 min is good, with a longer wait time at cooler temps.. If you try to wipe it to soon it will be oily and have no grab to it when wiping. Too late and it becomes hard to remove. You want to remove it when you feel it giving just a little push back against your towel but not hard to remove and no longer oily. If left too long it will become difficult to remove. If removed too early then it won’t have a chance to bond.
A second coat may be applied after 45 minutes.

02-01-2016, 03:26 AM
Dark Horse, Thank you very much for the info! I love the product but before i approach my community with this, i would like to know as much as possible about it.