View Full Version : Hydro2 instead of Reload with CQUK 3.0?

03-17-2020, 09:48 AM
Hi guys,

In the instructional video for CQUK 3.0 you mention that after the CQUK 3.0 has been layed you should top it with Reload. Can I use Hydro2 to top it instead of using Reload?


The Guz
03-17-2020, 05:22 PM
Unfortunately no. For CQUK 3.0 to perform at its maximum it needs to stay dry. You can wait until the 5-7 day cure time and use it. It would be better to use Reload to protect the coating during this curing time to protect the coating.

After Tips:
Keep surface dry for at least one hour after application (For best results keep dry 24 hours)
Gently wipe any water off the surface during the first 24 hours after application
Avoid detergents and chemicals for 5 days after application
If it is dry and the air is clean outside then you may park the vehicle in direct sun after application to speed the curing.