
Type: Posts; User: 2004cobra616

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  1. 2004 as fair as i know there is no indication it...

    2004 as fair as i know there is no indication it has been repainted.
    here is the spot that looks like clear coat failure. to the right of the phone....
  2. I understand about not being able to see.... I...

    I understand about not being able to see....
    I live in rockford il. 2 hours from Chicago.

    On the next sunny day I'll take a video and post a link which could possible show more than a picture. ...
  3. Replies

    Hello new memer to car pro

    My name is Joe. I'm a medical student at UIC and i love fast cars. Detailing my car is becoming a hobby of mine so I thought I would join a forum to help elevate my skills and learn about new...
  4. Looking for professional opinion on how to restore my paint on 2004 cobra

    Hello Guys
    new to this forum, have picked up detailing as a hobby over the last 2 and looking for advice.

    Im looking for professional opinion on how to restore my paint on 2004 cobra its Black...
Results 1 to 4 of 4