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Thread: What makes The Rock or Vintage stand out in the crowded world of waxes

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  1. #1
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    What makes The Rock or Vintage stand out in the crowded world of waxes

    Other brands get more attention and posting time, some more expensive (Auto Finesse Illusion or Desire) and some less (Vic's). What would make one try these two waxes from Scholl Concepts? They don't seem to get mentioned whenever someone asks for recommendations but they come from a company with a good heritage.

  2. #2
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    I believe the waxes fairly new (2012) and Scholl's products have been mainly a European brand and in the last few years, have been getting more exposure here in the US. I might be wrong though. Scholl's makes some quality products. I would expect nonetheless with their wax. The good Doctor (Dr Oldz) may be able to give you an answer on the waxes.

    Here's a review of the Vintage wax over on CleanYourCar's forum.

  3. #3
    CarPro US Owner Corey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MLee View Post
    Other brands get more attention and posting time, some more expensive (Auto Finesse Illusion or Desire) and some less (Vic's). What would make one try these two waxes from Scholl Concepts? They don't seem to get mentioned whenever someone asks for recommendations but they come from a company with a good heritage.
    Great question, working off of what Cooter said my guess is the highest priced item (the wax) in a line of "new to USA" (for the most part) items is unlikely to get much play PARTICULARLY in a world where very few that post on internets use wax anymore at all. So is bet 90% of the people posting anything about wax are speaking of their recent past and rarely use any wax these days. Therefore they will speak of the wax they know.

    It takes something special to shell out that kind of money for a wax without knowing if it's buying something more than a label.

    Worse comes to worse I may have to give one to Doc, lol

  4. #4
    Senior Member DARK HORSE's Avatar
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    I'm so out of touch with waxes these days that when I read the title, I thought you were referring to Swissvax Crystal Rock and Zymol Vintage… :dunno: (Hmmm, this gives me an idea for a possible giveaway in the future….. maybe)??
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