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Thread: Diluting Iron X?

  1. #1
    Junior Member chops1sc's Avatar
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    Diluting Iron X?

    I recently bought a 1L bottle of Iron X to use on my truck and my wife's car. Can Iron X be diluted? Or should I just see how far this bottle goes on one vehicle?

  2. #2
    Senior Member DARK HORSE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chops1sc View Post
    I recently bought a 1L bottle of Iron X to use on my truck and my wife's car. Can Iron X be diluted? Or should I just see how far this bottle goes on one vehicle?
    NO, do not dilute IronX! Diluting it will degrade its effectiveness. The 1 liter bottle you have is more than enough to do both of your vehicles with a bit left over. Here are a few notes (this is the process I use):

    After washing and rinsing the vehicle:

    (If there is any organic material like tree sap, tar, road grime, wax, or sealants on the vehicle I recommend you strip them first with TarX so Iron X can attack the ferrous particles without any interference. This is not required, but this is how I do it for best results).

    Shake the bottle well.

    Lightly cover the surface with Iron X using the supplied spray nozzle, or any misting spray nozzle. For best results apply to a mostly dry surface, a few drops of water is ok). After washing the vehicle, I will quickly dry most of the water off prior to spraying IX. The product is strong so you don’t have to be wasteful. Just make sure it contacts the entire surface.

    Allow the product to dwell for 5-8 minutes in the shade. DO NOT allow it to dry in the sun. On light colored paints you will see the product dissolving ferrous particles as it turns color. On darker colored paints everything is happening in exactly the same way. It’s simply more difficult for you to view the color changing effect on darker colors.

    After allowing IX to dwell take a damp (not soaked) grout or other paint safe sponge (or other media if you prefer) and agitate the surface.

    Then thoroughly rinse the surface.

    Don’t forget to rinse your media out also. I like to have a dedicated Iron X sponge but that isn’t necessary.

    -Use outside or with sufficient ventilation.
    -Use latex or Nitrile gloves, and face protection.
    -Avoid using on Fabric Convertible tops.
    Last edited by DARK HORSE; 05-21-2015 at 03:28 PM.
    Signature Car Care... Authorized CQuartz Finest Installer
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  3. #3
    Junior Member chops1sc's Avatar
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    Thanks! I can't wait to use it! BTW it stinks to high heaven, lol!

  4. #4
    Certified Finest Installer Dr_Pain's Avatar
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    Iron X and Heaven do not go in the same sentence, under any circumstances!!! LOL!
    Dr. Claude Tremblay, Co-owner/Senior Detailer, Certified CQuartz Finest Installer

  5. #5
    Junior Member chops1sc's Avatar
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    I had to put the bottle outside because it was making my house smell like a hair salon full of fresh-permed women, LOL! When does the "cherry scent" kick in?

  6. #6
    CarPro US Owner Corey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chops1sc View Post
    Thanks! I can't wait to use it! BTW it stinks to high heaven, lol!
    Funniest review anyone wrote in my store...

    "This stuff smells like ####! Until you use it.... Then it smells like, I don't give a ####!"

  7. #7
    Junior Member chops1sc's Avatar
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    One more question. I have read on some other forums and seen on some videos where you should clay the car first then use the Iron X. Others say you use the Iron X first then clay. What is the preferred method? I think it makes more sense to Use the Iron X first then clay, but that's just me.
    Last edited by DARK HORSE; 05-24-2015 at 05:55 PM.

  8. #8
    Senior Member DARK HORSE's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chops1sc View Post
    One more question. I have read on some other forums and seen on some videos where you should clay the car first then use the Iron X. Others say you use the Iron X first then clay. What is the preferred method? I think it makes more sense to Use the Iron X first then clay, but that's just me.
    Yes you are absoutely right, Iron X first, then clay! You'll be amazed at how many contaminates IX will remove, making claying soooo much easier!
    Signature Car Care... Authorized CQuartz Finest Installer
    "May the shine be with you" Uncle Stu

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