I am getting ready to apply CQUK for the first time and am curious if anyone has applied CQUK in inside closed garage where the ambient temperature coukd be controlled/heated. What temperature is ideal and what is the removal time if I work with ambient non heated temperature of close to 60F. Thank you!
ok thanks to all the suggestions in this thread, finally got to it and I must admit it was much easier than I originally thought. Having used Klasse sealant in the last, this is a bit more finicky. Here are some of my additional tips:
- Plan ahead. Study your car, mine had so much sharp angles and areas that I needed to mentally prep ahead. This helped a lot.
- Even in my controlled temperature/humidity (18C, 45% RH) inside garage, flash time was quick but not immediate. I didn't take my time waiting nor did I rush. Maybe 1-2mn from start of application, then wiped off.
- I didn't have good ambient lighting so I did a small area, top of hood, then checked out the flash time, and proceed to wipe off and checked the behaviour of the suede MF. they will start grabbing as soon as they have removed the product. VERY Important to follow up with another MF as the suede would not remove most of the product.
- My car is huge, so it took the whole 30ml bottle, I wasn't shy so I used it generously. I have used 5 small and five big suede MF.
- I think the product is applied correctly as the areas that weren't, my hand didn't glide as easily as where the CQUK was applied. I just hope I didn't run off the whole product
I have attached some pics, the gloss is insane, it also provides some level of hiding of micro marring, which I unfortunatly introduced during the claying phase w the carpro towel (I will post on this later). I didn't polish as I was lazy and didn't feel like washing the car again, plan to do it next spring.
Thanks again, The car has been inside for 24hrs so I didn't use the reload. Next time I wash the car (one week later) I will do so.