Premium car care products in Québec, Canada.
Hydr02 it's easy to apply no more waxing.
Reload, extreme gloss and slickness.
Reset, to keep my vehicles clean and to give the coatings a boost.
Get your posts in before Wednesday!
Signature Car Care... Authorized CQuartz Finest Installer
"May the shine be with you" Uncle Stu
I would have to say dLux. It's such a versatile product, I use it on wheels, headlights, trim, exhaust tips..
Maybe I'll try it on my coffee cup to see if it reduces the coffee stains..
Northern Vermont
Winner announced with a twist!!
OK everyone, a bit of a twist here. After talking with Corey he wanted to give everyone who replied something. So here's the twist...
Ebg18t, you are the big winner! You win one of each; an apron, a hat , and a key chain! Please PM me your shipping info and we'll get your loot out to you soon!
EVERYONE ELSE who replied to this thread, please include a note with your next order in the comments section referring to this thread and include your forum username, and you will receive either a hat or apron also. Feel free to request one or the other, and we'll do our best to accommodate...
Thank you to all of you who participated!
Last edited by DARK HORSE; 02-03-2016 at 12:52 PM.
Signature Car Care... Authorized CQuartz Finest Installer
"May the shine be with you" Uncle Stu
btw. is the keychain the one in the shape of a polisher?
Way Kewl!!!
Thanks DARK HORSE for the contest!!!
Thanks Corey for the prizes!!!
Congrats Ebg18t and congrats to ALL the winners that participated!
Signature Car Care... Authorized CQuartz Finest Installer
"May the shine be with you" Uncle Stu