My new favorite wheel cleaner that Corey sells...
No pics but my neighbors REALLY think I'm nuts, I've been claying/polishing/waxing my DD in between storms all week since no customer will pay for a detail with so much rain in the forecast.
Steve P
Waxed my Rouge, pass. side red wax (PBs), driver side purple wax (DoDo)
Can't tell the diff. Will wait to see how they perform.
went inside, worked on my detail cart.
Put a 2 part tool chest on it, wheels and all
For towels & pads.
2008 Porsche Cayman - CQFR
The End
Last edited by Merlin; 05-28-2017 at 02:41 PM.
Only had time to remove a few hundred water spots from the rearend of my black Chevy. Used Scholls S40 w/ Rupes white pads. This worked so well, the S40 is a Rockstar ! Easy, unlimited work time, then wipe off is effortless ! I was looking for something easier to wipe off than Diamond.
Wow, looks fantastic!
Signature Car Care... Authorized CQuartz Finest Installer
"May the shine be with you" Uncle Stu
The coating on my wife's car was nearing the end of its life, 3 plus years. So started yesterday deconning, Washed with Snow Foam, Iron X, Reset wash, Nanoskin pad with lubricant.
Correcting with Scholl's S20 and Car Pro M.F. Pad, Flex 3401, then followed up with Essence and Car Pro Gloss pad, Rules 15 MarkII.
I was trying to capture the metal flake "pop." Essence is amazing!