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Thread: All Polishing Oils and Coatings to be Removed before CQuartz... Except For Essence?

  1. #1
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    Question All Polishing Oils and Coatings to be Removed before CQuartz... Except For Essence?

    So I've read many guides on the correct method to applying CQuartz, and they all involve a long cleaning process and a final decontamination before applying CQuartz. They all state that it's important to remove any wax, sealant or polishing oils before application and this makes sense.

    But then I discovered CarPro Essence, which is a 3-in-1 product that corrects, polishes and seals, and after you wipe it off it will leave behind a coat of sealant which is supposed to remain on the vehicle when you apply CQuartz! I'm guessing this has something to do with the fact that Essence is a SiO2 based sealant, like CQuartz and Reload but surely there are other Si02 based sealants on the market? Does it seal in a similar fashion to Reload? Would it be beneficial to apply Reload before and after CQuartz?

    One of the reasons I ask is because I'm not a huge fan of hybrid products. If Essence has correcting power then I would assume that it's more abrasive than a pure polish and if my CQuartz lasts more than a year then I'd rather not take shortcuts in the surface prep.

    So to recap here are my questions:
    -What sealants can I use BEFORE CQuartz? (Reload?)
    -Can Essense produce a finish that is similar or better than a pure polish + pure sealant?

  2. #2
    I love shiny things Merlin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pharose View Post
    So to recap here are my questions:

    1)-What sealants can I use BEFORE CQuartz? (Reload?)
    2)-Can Essense produce a finish that is similar or better than a pure polish + pure sealant?
    1) - None. They will interfere with CQuartz bonding.

    2) - IIRC Essence is a combination of products.
    Some of which are a very fine polish and a bonding agent that assists when applying CQuartz.
    You can use a product like Eraser after Essence but if you wipe the surface clean after Essence...CQuartz bonding should be fine.

    Other folks may chime in here...please correct me if I am mistaken.

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