Water to clear solvent?
After my first application with Cquartz UK, I had high spots that need to be corrected. I phoned a friend who has a reputable detail shop and works with dealer only ceramic coatings for any tips and tricks. He recommended soaking a mf towel in plain water and after the flashing period, wring the towel and wipe the solvent, place the towel immediately back into the water and wipe with a dry mf towel to pull up the water and follow up with a low nap mf towel to buff clear. This goes against anything I have ever heard or read, but tried it. To my surprise it worked! My second application went flawless and much easier with no haze or high spots. I applied a second coat with a new bucket of clean water and towel. After letting the coating cure, it seemed hydrophobic and looked amazing. Another thing I noticed, when wiping with the damp towel, it was already repelling the water and wiped clean very easy.
Has anyone else heard of this or have a different recommendation?
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Yes I have heard of this, I have never tried this method but I'm very happy to hear it works. I was trained this method while attending CeramicPro certification course. They referred to this as the "wet towel method" which works very good in humid temps I will have to try this method when it gets really hot here in Ontario. Right now its -14c!
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Funny you say this, the guy who told me this is a ceramic pro installer.
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Senior Member
The only thing that would somewhat concern me is introducing water too soon when it is recommended to not let water touch the coated surface 1 hour after application at a minimum but ideally 24 hours. At least with CarPro coatings.
Originally Posted by
The Guz
The only thing that would somewhat concern me is introducing water too soon when it is recommended to not let water touch the coated surface 1 hour after application at a minimum but ideally 24 hours. At least with CarPro coatings.
I agree with you, I was very apprehensive about trying the method, but I had the vehicle for enough time to try it. After it cured, I tested the hydrophobic properties and it shed water just as I would have expected. Keep in mind the directions say if water comes in contact with the coating to wipe it immediately, which is basically what I did. I still have to experiment on a darker car to see if there are any issues with this method.
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I used to use damp towel to buff for first round and finishing with another dry mf towel, it work fine but durability will be lower than dry wipe. This is what i found on my own car for different experiment. Even tried ech2o diluted version as buffing agent lolz.
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So i have experimented with this method on a couple of cars. What I found is using a damp cloth to get an initial coating makes the application process easier. After waiting at least an hour, I apply a second coat. The second coat wipes clean easier and no need to try the damp towel on the second coat.