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Thread: Coverage rate? How much will go how far?

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Question Coverage rate? How much will go how far?

    What is the coverage rate estimates for CQuartz UK 3.0?

    The specs say 15 ml per coat but this doesn't specify the size of the area coated!

    I am considering to coat a 38 ft sport yacht but I need to be able to know how much product per coat I will need.

    If I calculate the square footage (or square meters) of the area to be coated, how can I translate that into the amount of product I will need?

    A rough estimate is that I have about 430 square feet of black fiberglass hull to coat (again, this is only a rough estimate).

    Should I consider a different product than Cquartz UK 3.0 for a black fiberglass hull?

    Thanks for any tips!

  2. #2
    Senior Member The Guz's Avatar
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    It’s 15ml per coat for an average size car.

    You could always get the 100ml bottle if you are worried about not having enough.

  3. #3
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    Thanks for the reply, I appreciate it!

    So what's the 'average sized car' in sq ft of coverage area? It's really a useless specification.

    To someone in the city an average size car could be a tiny Kia or a Mazda Miata. To someone in rural farm land, an average sized car is a SUV or more typically a quad cab pickup truck!

    Surely someone has some more data than this?

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  5. #4
    Junior Member
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    Just to follow up on this in case this can help someone else. I emailed CarPro support and they answered with some information about the coverage rate:

    Usually the coat is 30ml for 10 m2 round about.

    It was nice to have an answer from them.

    Converting that myself to non metric measurements comes to 30ml for approximately 107 Sq. Ft. of coverage.

    That 15ml per coat seems to be for about a 5 m2 (square meter) area (or about 15ml per 53 sq. ft.).

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