After several setbacks since last July, this week I finally got her done. It was a rewarding process and I am much pleased with the outcome.
Wed, day 1....Decon day. Striped washed, clayed & Iron X
Thurs, day 2....Polish day. Corrected very few minor swirls and polished to a great shine with Essence using the CarPro gloss pads. This product was so easy to work with and after hanging onto a DA for many hours, Essence made the task virtually effortless. Top-notch finishing polish. Finished it all off with an Eraser wipe-down.
Fri, day 3....UK 3.0 application. UK 3.0 was easy to work with. Flashed in about 1-1/2 mins and was very easy to level. no stickiness whatsoever.
I started out with the suede towels but after the hood I decided to go to the 2-face towels which worked better for my liking. Although the suede performed OK, it just felt as though I was working a bit harder. As a beginner in the ceramics field, I honestly was a bit nervous as to the application and final results. CQuartz excelled!!
Sat, day 4....Applied Reload. and put the car to bed for the weekend in the garage.
Sorry for the lower quality pics taken from my iPhone. 1st Pic was with cloudy skies and 2nd Pic was an hour or so later after skies cleared.
Great job CarPro, Corey & his staff, for these amazing products.
Last edited by dman68; 05-02-2019 at 02:18 AM.
Senior Member
Came out looking great. Enjoy the coating.
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I love shiny things
Post Thanks / Like - 1 Thanks, 1 Likes, 0 Dislikes
looks great. how long did you leave essence on before removing it?
I love shiny things
Originally Posted by
looks great. how long did you leave essence on before removing it?
Essence is a polish. You wipe it off right away.