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Thread: Covid-19 News and Updates

  1. #1
    I love shiny things Merlin's Avatar
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    Covid-19 News and Updates

    How many of you have been affected by the coronavirus?

    Are businesses in your area closed? They are in mine.

    I had to go out today (I'm doing the self-quarantine thing)
    All the stores in the strip malls and the area shopping mall was closed.

    All businesses listed as non-essential are closed in my area.
    Even the banks are closed. ATM only! (I used a baggie to touch the ATM)
    The only things open are grocery stores, gas stations, and drug stores.

    On another note, this came out from the Henry Ford Hospital in Michigan.
    Last week they had less than 350 cases last week. Now they have over 3000.

    Please, my wish to everyone is Stay-Healthy and Stay-Safe.

    I'm still seeing a few clients (by appointment only) but we're following CDC guidelines.
    Luckily he have some nitrile gloves and a few masks (unfortunately they are not N95)
    We wash our hands after touching just about everything (probably 10-20 times a day)
    ...and we keep at least 6-foot social distancing with no direct contact.

    SIDE NOTE - I'm seeing a big slowdown with internet bandwidth speeds.

    Please share your experiences...

  2. #2
    I love shiny things Merlin's Avatar
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    A very special Thank You!

    To all the doctors, nurses and medical support staff, that are on the front lines we all owe you a very special thank you.
    Also, to all the folks working at the gas stations and grocery stores we owe you a very special thank you.
    From the folks in the warehouse to the folks stocking the shelves to the cashiers, we all owe you a very special thank you.

    I have been speaking to nurses and they are out of Personal Protection Equipment (PPE).
    Nurses at the local hospitals are bringing plastic garbage bags from home to use as gowns.
    I know of at least one nursing staffing agency that needs 15 times more nurses than are available.

    Doctors and nurses are becoming infected.
    These folks are putting their lives ahead of payment.
    These are the trained folks that know how to use ventilators.
    The ventilators can not be used if there is no trained staff to operate them.
    Yes, they are trained medical professionals and they are putting duty first.

    So when you go to the doctor, gas station, grocery store or any business that is open during these times...
    Please take a minute to thank the cashier and the folks that are there for being there for you.

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  4. #3
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    Hi Mike, we are currently on the 6th day of a 21 day lock-down in South Africa.

    Supermarkets, banks, health-care facilities and petrol filling stations are considered essential services and are open for trade.

    It seems the lock-down has helped slow down the rate of infection for now- 1380 cases with 5 deaths.

    Trying to keep busy with tasks around the house. The complex i live in has limited outside visitors over this lock-down period-
    Will probably detail the cars at home over the next week or so...

    Be Safe Everyone!

  5. #4
    I love shiny things Merlin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Devzo View Post
    Hi Mike, we are currently on the 6th day of a 21-day lock-down in South Africa.

    Will probably detail the cars at home over the next week or so...

    Be Safe Everyone!
    I have been trying to do my best with self-isolation.
    I have been in self-quarantine for about 3 weeks now.

    I am still working but it has slowed down.

    I am by appointment only.
    I wash my hands 10-20 times a day.

    When a client shows up...

    I wear a mask (I'm lucky to have a few)
    I wear nitrile gloves (I'm lucky to have a few)
    There is no direct contact with the client or their keys.
    I sterilize their keys with IPA with nitrile gloves on.
    I wear gloves and a mask when I need to move their vehicle.
    I maintain social distancing of at least 6'-8' feet at all times.
    ...These are just a few of the precautions I am taking.

    A few folks that I had quoted and said: "Thanks I'll let you know..."
    Call and say..."I can't go anywhere...can you come and pick up my car?"
    These were folks that were "too busy" due to the fact it takes me 3-5 days.

    Yes, I am thankful for the work that I have.

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  7. #5
    I love shiny things Merlin's Avatar
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    [PG-13] Adult Language

    In spite of the adult language, I found this very interesting.
    I am so sorry about the adult language being used by Dr. Vuong.
    However, IMHO this is well presented important information.

    If adult language offends not watch this video.

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  9. #6
    I love shiny things Merlin's Avatar
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    How has the stay-in-place affected you?

    Have you been staying busy?

    Are you bored yet?

  10. #7
    I love shiny things Merlin's Avatar
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    When I wear a mask in public:

    🔵 I want you to know that I am educated enough to know that I could be asymptomatic and still give you the virus.
    🔵 No, I don’t “live in fear” of the virus; I just want to be part of the solution, not the problem.
    🔵 I don’t feel like the “government is controlling me;” I feel like I’m being a contributing adult to society and I want to teach others the same.
    🔵 The world doesn’t revolve around me. It’s not all about me and my comfort.
    🔵 If we all could live with other people's consideration in mind, this whole world would be a much better place.
    🔵 Wearing a mask doesn’t make me weak, scared, stupid, or even “controlled.” It makes me considerate.
    🔵 When you think about how you look, how uncomfortable it is, or what others think of you, just imagine someone close to you - a child, a father, a mother, grandparent, aunt, or uncle - choking on a respirator , alone without you or any family member allowed at bedside.
    🔵 Ask yourself if you could have sucked it up a little for them.

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  12. #8
    I love shiny things Merlin's Avatar
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  14. #9
    Certified CarPro Product "Guru" & Senior Member fdresq4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Merlin View Post
    I’m glad I wasn’t consuming a beverage while reading this...LOL!!!

    It's a Ruff life! <<<<<<<<<<Save a homeless friend

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  16. #10
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    Hi Guys, I'm back, alive and kicking!

    I tested positive for COVID 19 about a month ago, went into self quarantine for 14 days. I was asymptomatic for the most part-thankfully!. I retested last week and came back negative.

    The number of infections and deaths are steadily rising in South Africa. Lots of businesses have been affected and have closed down. We currently have a ban on the sale and trade of alcohol and cigarettes.

    What has your experience been? I'm not sure when i will start my part-time detailing again. I work from my garage at home and reside within a residential complex that has strict lock-down measures in place including not allowing visitors or contractors etc in.

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