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Thread: Covid-19 News and Updates

  1. #11
    I love shiny things Merlin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Devzo View Post
    Hi Guys, I'm back, alive and kicking!

    I tested positive for COVID 19 about a month ago, went into self quarantine for 14 days. I was asymptomatic for the most part-thankfully!. I retested last week and came back negative.

    The number of infections and deaths are steadily rising in South Africa. Lots of businesses have been affected and have closed down. We currently have a ban on the sale and trade of alcohol and cigarettes.

    What has your experience been? I'm not sure when i will start my part-time detailing again. I work from my garage at home and reside within a residential complex that has strict lock-down measures in place including not allowing visitors or contractors etc in.

    I am very happy to hear you survived it!
    Sadly, a lot of folks here have not.

    Many folks are not taking this seriously.
    This pandemic will fundamentally change the world.

    A lot of bushiness here are trying to stay open and are in survival mode.
    Bars are closed! Most restaurants have closed. Some only do to-go (Take-away).
    Many small stores and shops have closed (and probably will never open back up.

    Stay Safe! Be Well!

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  3. #12
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    I work in a "essential" business (we process payments) so I have been going into the office a few days a week, and working remote the others. Most of our folks are working remote for the next several months, but I enjoy the change scenery ("blursday" is a real thing!), and lets the wife have the house to herself for a few hours too.

    I have done a few detail jobs in the last few months, but I usually don't do many in the summer anyway.

    Like Merlin I mask up when in public, and when in the office they require masks if we leave our cubes. We have been to restaurants a few times, and lots of take away.

    Stay Safe!


  4. #13
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    the other day i was thinking about trump testing positive for covid ! and possibly how useless the masks are. the whole think is just bad and ruined this whole year
    Christmas trivia quiz will teach you many new things !

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  6. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by chiristmas_easy View Post
    the other day i was thinking about trump testing positive for covid ! and possibly how useless the masks are. the whole think is just bad and ruined this whole year
    Heck, he never wore one. To say they're useless is a reckless use of the word. Sorry, just my 2 cents.

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  8. #15
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    with the vaccine and everything we should be back to the normal situation very soon. but i think we should not forget the one very important lesson. everything can change or be lost in no time so we should try and not get attached to things people or even the situation in general. if we develop that attitude in ourselves we will be fine
    be the best version of yourself

  9. #16
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    Infection can purpose a variety of signs. Most commonplace are fever, cough, hassle breathing, and gastrointestinal problems like bellyache, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Other complaints encompass headaches, muscle aches, loss of flavor and smell, and bloodless signs. The virus may be greater serious in a few people. And a few humans don't have any signs and symptoms at all.

    Some youngsters get signs caused by infection at some point in the frame, now and again numerous weeks after they were infected with the virus. It can have an effect on many exceptional body structures, along with the lungs, coronary heart, mind, kidneys, blood vessels, skin, eyes, and gastrointestinal machine. This is called multisystem inflammatory syndrome in kids (MIS-C).
    Last edited by Merlin; 09-24-2022 at 11:43 AM.

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