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Thread: flyby 30 question

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  1. #1
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    flyby 30 question

    I am looking at the instructions on application of flyby 30. At the end it says to clean wipers and apply reload. Maybe this is a stupid question, but do you apply reload to the wiper blades or as a topper on the windshield, over the flyby 30?

  2. #2
    Senior Member The Guz's Avatar
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    You could do both as part of maintenance.

  3. #3
    I love shiny things Merlin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Guz View Post
    You could do both as part of maintenance.
    ^ Agreed

    My thoughts:
    Fly-By-30 / Forte are glass coatings and as such, they are a "hard" coating.
    This is different than dressings/toppers that have more "liquid" lubricity.
    In the event that you need to use your wipers, a glass coating may cause wiper chatter.

    If it were me, I would let the class coating dry/cure for at least 24 hours with the wiper blades up.
    Then before you put the wiper blades down I would lightly wipe down the rubber blade with Reload.

    I have also heard you can put Fly-By on the wiper blade.
    If so, dry/cure the blades for at least 24 hours before putting the blades down on the windshield.

  4. #4
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    So I have just applied the Flyby V4, and I found the I instructions difficult and incomplete. This was my first ever ceramic coating on anything, so keep that in mind. I was under the impression the coating was supposed to help with lubricity and reduce wiper chatter, however thats not the case. My wipers barely move over this stuff and jump the entire stroke both ways. I don't have Reload or anything comparable. Are there alternatives?

    Additionally, I over applied on some of th glass, because the bottle was clogged and kept saturating the pad. So now some days later I can see the swirl marks and rainbow in them. Do I need to remove this with the polish or can this be somehow wiped off?

    Last edited by AkA-Mike; 11-27-2022 at 01:52 AM.

  5. #5
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    In reading I decided to order the Reload. However that got me thinking, why even use a ceramic coating for the glass if you need to top coat with a product like Reload? Seems


  6. #6
    Senior Member The Guz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AkA-Mike View Post
    So I have just applied the Flyby V4, and I found the I instructions difficult and incomplete. This was my first ever ceramic coating on anything, so keep that in mind. I was under the impression the coating was supposed to help with lubricity and reduce wiper chatter, however thats not the case. My wipers barely move over this stuff and jump the entire stroke both ways. I don't have Reload or anything comparable. Are there alternatives?

    Additionally, I over applied on some of th glass, because the bottle was clogged and kept saturating the pad. So now some days later I can see the swirl marks and rainbow in them. Do I need to remove this with the polish or can this be somehow wiped off?

    What was the prep prior to applying the coating on the glass? A coating definitely prefers a polished surface. You will need to polish the glass to remove the coating and start over as you are seeing what is referred to as high spots.

    The directions from the product page

    • Clean surface free of polishing oil residue with CARPRO Eraser.
    • Wet the supplied applicator just enough so that it does not feel grabby during step 4. Apply more to applicator as needed.
    • Apply in circular motion in an organized pattern across the glass and do not wipe off. It will flash nearly invisible as you apply.
    • On windshield: Repeat steps 3 and 4 (2 more times - 3 coats total) / On side windows skip this and move to next step.
    • Using the same applicator (but no additional Forte) once again repeat step 4 buffing off any trace of residue until the surface is 100% transparent and clear.
    • For side windows only 1 layer is needed.
    • Keep surface dry for 4 hours with no wiper blades for 24 hours.

    I have videos on my channel on the application of FlybyForte

    Quote Originally Posted by AkA-Mike View Post
    In reading I decided to order the Reload. However that got me thinking, why even use a ceramic coating for the glass if you need to top coat with a product like Reload? Seems

    A topper is not require for flybyforte. Clean your wipers or get new ones as well.

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