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Thread: Hello from Eastpointe, MI

  1. #1
    Junior Member
    Join Date
    Dec 2022
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    Hello from Eastpointe, MI

    Hello all.

    Several years back I started looking for a way to make my bike look better. Shortly after I started looking into all of "this"...I realized: I am clueless, and have hurt my bike more than I've helped with just about everything I'd done to it. I had shame.

    Once I looked at what it would take to correct my clear coat and properly protect it, I had a choice....hire it done...or learn to do it. Either way, I was going to have to pay.

    I spent a little money on some stuff, watched a lot of youtube, and practiced on an old beater pickup truck until I learned how to make what I bought get me results.

    That was a few years back. I corrected it, sealed it, put about 40k miles on it and have corrected it and coated it again since then. Some friends started coming to me and asking me to give some love to their bikes as well. It's turned into a bit of a side hustle.

    A pic of my bike after the first correction:

    After I corrected again this past spring:

    This one came to me pretty needed a hug first.

    It was a pleasure bringing this one back, heres the corrected front fender next to the untouched rear fender

    Another pic of the Shadow

    A trike I did this summer.

    A recent Street Glide

    Thanks for looking. If it's not obvious, I'd prefer to work on a bike. I am still a newb at this and have a pretty limited arsenal of products that I know how to use and apply. I have a lot to learn which is why I'm here.

  2. #2
    I love shiny things Merlin's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2014
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    Welcome to the Sky's The Limit forum!

    Lots of GREAT folks here.
    It's a very nice community.

    Lots of great info here.
    Search is your friend.

  3. Thanks Lance Mark thanked this post

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