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Thread: Saving this '02 Taurus clear coat

  1. #1
    Junior Member bradleyheathhays's Avatar
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    Saving this '02 Taurus clear coat

    I've got this '02 Taurus that has aged unusually badly on the hood roof and trunk top, and if I can just get these parts addressed the car will look so much better. I'm not aiming for anything close to perfect...just trying to make these look better so your eye isn't drawn right to them. Rest of the body's paint isn't bad at all.

    Hopefully what I'm seeing here is just the clear coat failing and all it needs is a sanding, 2k clear applied, some high grit sanding, and buffing. The directions I've found so far are to first sand with 600 all over and especially over where the edge of the clear is peeling up. Clear coat, sand with 1500, then buff. Sound about right? If it's so far degraded that it actually needs some color work, it's ok I'd rather not deal with that part. I just want to throw about $100 bucks at it and if it looks better then I'll be happy.

    Any suggestions on how I should approach this? Thanks.

  2. #2
    I love shiny things Merlin's Avatar
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    What I see in the pictures is classic clear coat failure.
    For me, it's not something I (as a detailer) would mess with.

    The horizontal paint surfaces have need killed due to UV sun.
    To quote Jason Killmer "Next Stop Body shop".

    Yes, it will need sanding, possibly base coat, and clear coat.
    Best of luck and let us know your resolution.

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  4. #3
    Junior Member bradleyheathhays's Avatar
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    Thanks yeah, body shop type work for sure.

    I found a video with this stuff called OxideOff Emulsion and it looks like it might actually work. I don't mind you'd have to apply it a few times a year.

    Also, if I order a couple cans of color from touchupdirect, do I have to use THEIR 2K clear or can I use a different brand like Dupli Color?
    'If the end of the world ever comes move to Kentucky, because everything there happens 20 years later.' ~ Mark Twain

  5. #4
    Junior Member
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    Do you have a specific plan in mind to address the clear coat failure on your '02 Taurus, and are you prepared for the possibility of needing base coat and clear coat application for a more comprehensive fix?

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