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Thread: PRODUCT REVIEW: First look at CarPro FlyBy Forte (Beta testing)

  1. #31
    Certified Finest Installer Dr_Pain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SaMaBa View Post
    This is my car.
    Forte apply 2 day old.
    I followed step by step instructions for application.
    Well, at first glance you look like to have a nicely hydrophobic surface. The wipers did clear the glass nicely and collected some large beads that flew down the glass. The only thing I can determine is that you are disappointed from the wiper noise/skip? Did you apply Forte to the blade?

    Only additional test that would be helpful to see about function would be a driving test in actual rain.
    Dr. Claude Tremblay, Co-owner/Senior Detailer, Certified CQuartz Finest Installer

  2. #32
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    I can't wait to give forte a try when it comes out. But I have a question about application. What if I don't have a garage that I can apply forte in? I unfortunately don't have the privilege to work in a garage so is it okay to apply it outside in the open?

  3. #33
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    Hi guys.
    Sorry my very bad english (i'm an old Italian).

    Yes Dr_Pain, my surface is hydrophobic.
    Look this image
    Yes i have applied Forte to the blade (2 layers), and yes i am disappointed from the wiper noise/skip.

    The problem is wiper noise/skip to the blade.

  4. #34
    Certified Finest Installer Dr_Pain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SaMaBa View Post
    Hi guys.
    Sorry my very bad english (i'm an old Italian).

    Yes Dr_Pain, my surface is hydrophobic.
    Look this image
    Yes i have applied Forte to the blade (2 layers), and yes i am disappointed from the wiper noise/skip.

    The problem is wiper noise/skip to the blade.
    No worries about your english. English is not my first language either

    What I have found with wiper blade is you need to clean, and clean, and clean, and clean and clean some more!!! Then you prep and coat. OBVIOUSLY if your wiper is on its last leg and sits flat instead of on it s blade then the following may not work for you. So make sure that you have a viable wiper to start with

    Here is my technique (other may chime in):
    1) I take the blade off the car
    2) I spray APC (all purpose cleaner) DILUTION, and let it dwell.
    3) I take a terry cloth or cotton towel and wipe (it will be BLACK with dirty)
    4) I take a different section and wipe again, and wipe again till the wiper is dry
    5) I spray APC again and let it dwell
    6) I take the terry cloth or cotton towel and wipe
    7) and repeat till I am satisfied they are clean (because it is a rubbeer product you will continue having a black residue on your towel)
    8) I then apply a heavy coat of Eraser and let it sit
    9) I use a clean section of my cotton towel and wipe off
    10) I repeat the Erasor step and wipe off with a all purpose MF
    11) I let it air dry COMPLETELY (If you apply before Eraser has completely evaporated, it will affect the end result)
    12) A quick wipedown with a clean MF (wearing gloves)
    13) Apply Forte. The first layer I work into the blade over and over again making sure to hit a different part of the cotton applicator.
    14) I flip the applicator and apply a very small dab of Forte on the clean side and apply again making sure the blade looks wet (evenly), and continue rubbing until the blade looks dry.
    15) Keep the blades drying off the car
    16) Re-install and DO NOT use them for 24hrs (although they can be in contact with the windshield much sooner.

    I hope this helps! Just know that I created this EXTENSIVE list not to scare anyone as to the complexity of the application but just to break it down to the most simplest form. The concise version of the bullets above is " clean, clean, clean, clean, clean, prep, coat!!)
    Dr. Claude Tremblay, Co-owner/Senior Detailer, Certified CQuartz Finest Installer

  5. #35
    Certified Finest Installer Dr_Pain's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JordanL View Post
    I can't wait to give forte a try when it comes out. But I have a question about application. What if I don't have a garage that I can apply forte in? I unfortunately don't have the privilege to work in a garage so is it okay to apply it outside in the open?
    From the ease of application, I would tell you that a shaded area will work. Personally I would work it after the morning dew had time to evaporate and at least 5 hrs before the evening dew comes to increase the humidity level. From what I remember, you can get the coated glass surface wet after a 4 hrs cure time, but can't use the wiper blade for 24hrs.

    The main issue that I would see working outside is "organic fallouts" during the curing process (ie. bird bombs etc..)
    Dr. Claude Tremblay, Co-owner/Senior Detailer, Certified CQuartz Finest Installer

  6. #36
    CarPro US Owner Corey's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SaMaBa View Post
    Hi guys.
    Sorry my very bad english (i'm an old Italian).

    Yes Dr_Pain, my surface is hydrophobic.
    Look this image
    Yes i have applied Forte to the blade (2 layers), and yes i am disappointed from the wiper noise/skip.

    The problem is wiper noise/skip to the blade.
    I will be interested to see how it acts when there is actual rain and lots of water on the glass as is typical for when wipers are being used of course. I wonder if it's an odd type of rubber? One thing is sure. If you test in true full rain conditions and are not happy your rep will take care of you. Try maybe putting reload on the wiper blade and see if that helps also. I suspect biggest problem is lack of fluid. Please update us how it acts in full rain after a week

  7. #37
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    Thanks to all!!!

    Ok now removed wipers and i've cleaned with APC and a brush (3 times).
    washed and dried with compressed air.
    I then apply a heavy coat of IPA (70% alcohol and 30% water) and leave act, wipe with a clean cotton cloth.
    I then apply a heavy coat of Eraser and and leave act, wipe with a cotton towel.
    Dried with compressed air and MF Towel.
    I reapplied Forte (2 layers).

    Stay tuned ...

  8. #38
    Member Avi@CP's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by SaMaBa View Post
    Thanks to all!!!

    Ok now removed wipers and i've cleaned with APC and a brush (3 times).
    washed and dried with compressed air.
    I then apply a heavy coat of IPA (70% alcohol and 30% water) and leave act, wipe with a clean cotton cloth.
    I then apply a heavy coat of Eraser and and leave act, wipe with a cotton towel.
    Dried with compressed air and MF Towel.
    I reapplied Forte (2 layers).

    Stay tuned ...
    Make sure you polished well the glass before , 90% of good results is preparing.
    if the glass wasnt polished well surface not 100% flat.this will cause wipers chattering as well

  9. #39
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    I recently purchased this product to use on my windscreen only (I don't require it on any other glass surfaces) and I am quite confused. The instructions written on the cardboard box are quite different to the ones given both in this forum and on the website of the dealer I purchased it from.

    The instructions on the product box state that only two coats are to be used (third with no additional product applied) whereas the instructions here and at the dealer website say three coats are to be used (fourth with no additional product applied).

    The second difference is that the product box instructions state that after the last coat, you need to keep buffing the surface until it is completely clear and transparent, whereas the instructions here say to simply leave it and it will eventually dry clear.

    I followed the instructions on the product box but I still had issues. What I found is that when I did the third application (i.e. without any more product), I still could not get the windscreen perfectly clear - what I mean is so that the product was no longer visible and the windscreen perfectly clear - viewed using a white LED light.

    There was still a slight hazy layer left (sort of like a hologram), even when I tried using a second cotton applicator. In the end, no matter how hard I tried I could not remove the last remnants of the slight haze and ended up buffing the windscreen with a clean and dry Mint windscreen cloth. The latter cleaned off the screen perfectly with no haze left and the windscreen was thus perfectly clear again. But that is not the point, as I had to contradict the application instructions and I honestly do not know if the coating I intended to put on is even correctly "installed".

    So I am now completely confused because there seem to be two completely different methods of applying this product and both are found either on the product box or on this website.

    I am really dubious the product would simply have eventually dried transparent and clear of it's own accord, since it is cloudy after application if you look at the windscreen using a bright LED light (but it does look transparent if you casually observe it inside the garage).

    So which is the correct method? And as I say, if you re-use the original cotton applicator for the final coat / buff, it is completely impossible to get the screen completely clear and transparent as per the box instructions - there is no option other than to use a completely different cloth with absolutely no previous product on it.

    And yes, I thoroughly prepared the screen for application - thorough cleaning and polishing, though the car has only done 4,000 km so the screen was pretty good to begin with, as it has been cleaned every week along with a normal wash.

    I'm a bit disappointed that I paid $50 for this product, half of it is gone already, I've used three applicators instead of just one, there are conflicting / contradictory instructions and the ones provided on the product box simply did not work in my case.
    Last edited by JonP01; 10-21-2014 at 09:12 PM.

  10. #40
    Certified Finest Installer Dr_Pain's Avatar
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    Sorry you are confused! This product and installation are as simple as it gets.

    Not to sound dismissive but 2 coats or 3 coats do not really matter in so far as "messing the application". Don't forget that the instructions I posted were the Beta. Personally I would use the instructions on the box which are the final instructions after the corporate testing and Beta field testing. To continue applying the product won't result in a product failure but will result in $$ waste, since I am sure that beyond a certain point each additional layer no longer offer added benefits

    I did re-read my initial post and do not see where I said to "leave it and it will eventually dry clear". I followed the instructions to "continue buffing until clear". I seriously doubt that you messed it up. The chemical bonding and penetration of the product occurs almost instantaneously and cures in 4hrs and becomes hard enough for the abuse of the wipers in 24hrs. Even if you had to use a MF to do your final wipedown I doubt you interfered with the bonding or the properties of Forte. I did describe my dislike of those cotton applicator and I am not planning on using them (using my wife's cotton makeup pads instead). So far no issues!
    Dr. Claude Tremblay, Co-owner/Senior Detailer, Certified CQuartz Finest Installer

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