CarPro US Owner
Forum Rules:
- We welcome honest discussion and disagreement BUT only when treating each other respectfully. If you can’t find a nice way to communicate disagreement then don’t post it.
- People new to detailing or looking to simply care for their vehicle as best they can should be treated with the utmost respect. This forum was built for those that need help the most.
- No argument with Administrators or Moderators.
- No sales of products or samples offered from competing companies are allowed on our forum.
- Spamming other products or posting links not related to the matter in "Product Specific” forums section is not allowed.
- Only one account per member.
- E-mail addresses may not be used as usernames.
- Speak to others the way you would like to be spoken to. Having a bad day? Dont take it out on anyone here.
- No avatars or discussion of obscene nature or material you wouldn’t want your children seeing.
- Moderators may (at any time) choose to close temporarily or permanently any thread they wish. If you believe one has been closed with undo cause you may PM a moderator for a response. (Also see rule 3)
- Links to competitor stores for any product carried at carpro-us is not acceptable.
Enforcement: Breaking any of the above rules may lead to being temporarily or permanently banned at our discretion.
Last edited by Corey; 06-08-2014 at 07:33 AM.
Post Thanks / Like - 0 Thanks, 1 Likes, 0 Dislikes
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Like the classic Crosby, Stills, Nash, & Young song circa 11970. This forum was "A Long Time Coming!" but so well worth the wait!
Well done men!
Last edited by Old Tiger; 06-28-2014 at 05:36 PM.
Senior Member
I like rule 1 the best. This forum is great.
Rupes (Roo-Pes)
Certified CarPro Product "Guru" & Senior Member
CarPro US Owner
Originally Posted by
Bumping this post.....
Thank you sir!
Certified CarPro Product "Guru" & Senior Member
Originally Posted by
Thank you sir!
Perhaps a quick test of the Rules before being able to sign up?