
Type: Posts; User: BrentinLouisville

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  1. For decades when using polymer sealants, we were...

    For decades when using polymer sealants, we were always told to allow the first coat of polymer sealant to fully cure before applying a second coat otherwise the solvents in the second coat would...
  2. Replies

    Using Echo2 as a pre rinse and drying aid is fine...

    Using Echo2 as a pre rinse and drying aid is fine but from a foam cannon would not be my recommendation. Trying to dial in your mix ratio with a foam cannon can be a pain in the butt since you...
  3. That is why I would try them first on a scrap...

    That is why I would try them first on a scrap panel from a junk yard.
  4. I have no idea who that seller is. Probably just...

    I have no idea who that seller is. Probably just some Chinese bull shit seller who doesn't know what they are selling. I would just experiment with them on a scrap panel and see what you can figure...
  5. Do you have a link from Amazon I can take a look...

    Do you have a link from Amazon I can take a look at?
  6. Not necessarily. What brand did you get from...

    Not necessarily. What brand did you get from Amazon?
  7. Is there any chance that the older spots that...

    Is there any chance that the older spots that were not removed are the etching left over in the paint from the minerals in the spot? I ask that because I have had the same experience with spot...
  8. That makes a lot of sense, thank you.

    That makes a lot of sense, thank you.
  9. If I am interpreting your post, it sounds like...

    If I am interpreting your post, it sounds like you used neither the duster or Echo2. I would do a handful of more washes without the duster/Echo2 and examine the dust accumulation on the vehicle to...
  10. Stunning work. What goes into your decision...

    Stunning work.

    What goes into your decision with to use SIC or one of the Pro only coatings? Or does it come down to what the customer is willing to pay for?
  11. Guz gets to the point alot faster than I do, but...

    Guz gets to the point alot faster than I do, but same conclusion I as had.
  12. I doubt the Echo2 is causing that static. On the...

    I doubt the Echo2 is causing that static. On the flip side, I could see the cloth fabric strands of the duster causing static as it rubs along the body panels. Recall what happens to someone's hair...
  13. Replies

    Single Member Limited Liability Companies...

    Single Member Limited Liability Companies (SMLLC's) are taxed as sole proprietorships on the federal level and most states (not sure about NY) also unless you elect another status which is rarely...
  14. Replies

    Looks very similar to the perforated clay towel...

    Looks very similar to the perforated clay towel designed by Yvan LaCroix when he was at Optimum Polymers. His current company sells a very similar (or maybe identical?). Many swear by them claiming...
  15. I would probably just live with the swirls or...

    I would probably just live with the swirls or minimize them with Essence Plus but if you cannot, I would probably go with Fixer on a polishing pad and follow up with Essence on white Gloss pads.
  16. If possible, blowing the pad out with compressed...

    If possible, blowing the pad out with compressed air will clean the pads. If that doesn't work, I will use a not-too-stiff nylon brush to loosen up the spent compound/clear coat residue then blow...
  17. I think the bare minimum on a typical car is 4...

    I think the bare minimum on a typical car is 4 pads with 6 being preferred. On a large suv, that minimum would probably be 6 with 8 being preferred. I generally break a car up into 18 to 24 inch...
  18. Replies

    I'm out of ideas. I would call Sky's the Limit...

    I'm out of ideas. I would call Sky's the Limit (the host of this Forum) and ask them.
  19. Makes sense, thank you.

    Makes sense, thank you.
  20. Did your Rupes 21 come with a 5" backing plate or...

    Did your Rupes 21 come with a 5" backing plate or did you swap the 6" backing plate that came with it for a 5" backing plate?
  21. Delete, duplicate post.

    Delete, duplicate post.
  22. Replies

    I would have thought polishing would do the...

    I would have thought polishing would do the trick. Google "How to remove dried iron remover". You're not the first to let this happen, maybe someone posted their solution. As far as chemicals? I...
  23. Replies

    Do you know if these are only open for full time...

    Do you know if these are only open for full time detailers or can weekend warriors who want to move to CarPro products take them?

    My preference would person to person training but this...
  24. Replies

    Welcome to CarPro Forums.

    Welcome to CarPro Forums.
  25. Interesting, so when using regular Iron X, the...

    Interesting, so when using regular Iron X, the Iron X Snow is still on the car and then you "clay" with with I assume some form of clay towel/mitt/ and the Iron X Snow is acting as your "clay"...
Results 1 to 25 of 48
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